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Sherry from United States writes

My home has become infested with some sort of mite that so far no one has been able to identify for me. The de

Black bug with a straw like thing on it and also looks almost like a brush or bottle washer thing on the egg sacks.I assume to keep them in place. They like the hair, nails and have gotten on my arms as I am combing with nit comb after put on on lice treatment. They are also on my cats. They do not get on anyone else. The doctor says they don't usually attack humans except when suppressed immune system which I have because of medication I take.


Without knowing the type of pest you are treating we are unable to make any recommendations. You may take a sample of the pest to you local extension office or contact a local Entomologist for identification. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Answer last updated on: 11/20/2014

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