Customer Reviews for ProPest Pheronet Pantry Pest Trap

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Average Customer Rating

4.6 of 5 stars
(288 customer reviews)
Displaying 61 to 90 (of 288 reviews)
  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great service

    By Richard on 03/27/2018

    Excellent, quick, efficient service, even on a small order. I know these work well because I've used them before.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Moth pheromone traps review.

    By Mike on 09/21/2018

    I've literally placed the traps a foot away from a couple moths, that were clinging to a wall, and left it there for hours, and the moths are not attracted to the trap. I continue to catch/kill the moths manually. Having not caught a single one, in a couple weeks, I'd have to say the trap is not attracting the moths as planned/hoped.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Martin on 03/01/2019


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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    ProPest Is the Best

    By Evelyn on 05/19/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I have been purchasing ProPest Pheronet Pantry traps for a number of years. One year (and one year only!) I substituted a "hardware store" brand: never again! ProPest's traps are satisfyingly effective. It is ghoulish "fun" to check the traps at intervals to see how the "catch" is coming! ProPest is truly unequaled!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Suffered w/ moths for years, didn't know what to do :(

    By Debbie on 05/28/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I purchased pecans at a local grocery stores nearly 2 yrs. ago, they had moths in them! YUCK!  We found them too late, they already took over our house. Since they don't pay rent, they had to go. We tried everything, these traps really work. We haven't gotten rid of all of them yet, but we filled many so we ordered more. Our hope is that one day they will BE GONE! BE GONE YA DANG MOTHS!!!!!!

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Quick acting

    By Jean on 05/29/2011

    Verified Purchase

    It's amazing to see how quickly the pantry moths in my house and garage are attracted to the traps. I caught dozens last summer with ProPest Pheonet when I first noticed them. Then, this summer there seem to be (fewer) survivors. They too are easily trapped. So I'll keep trying to get rid of them completely. By the way, I think these moths came in with rice. I now keep my rice in the freezer.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Pesky beetles

    By Naoya on 05/31/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I discovered tiny beetles walking around on my kitchen counter and in upper cabinets. I read that this would also work on the type of beetle I had so I gave it a try. It took a little time for the beetles to find it but once they found it, I was getting good capture rate. Very easy to put out, no spraying, and I just rotate the trap to put the fresh side down once the tacky trap side gets packed. On another area, I cut the trap down to fit in a tight corner area. Very easy to handle and handy to have around.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Pest trap

    By Levecke on 06/19/2011

    Verified Purchase

    These are easy to set up and place in your kitchen. They really work!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    More Pests Caught Than I Ever Figured Existed

    By M on 07/05/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I would only see one pantry pest moth flying around our kitchen per day. Within a half hour we caught about a dozen, within four days I had to throw away the pest strip. It was completely covered. Phenomenal Pheronet Product!

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    ProPest Pheronet Pantry Pest Trap

    By Jack on 07/11/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I have been using these traps for about 4-5 years and find them extremely useful and effective.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    pro pest pantry trap

    By Vincent on 07/20/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I expected better results than the product purchased at home depot for less $. The results seem to be about the same. fair to good. Thankyou Vincent

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Deal on ProPest Pheronet Pantry Traps

    By Robin on 07/21/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Buying these in the 12 packs is a great savings. Having birds I seem to go in cycles with having the moth problems. I always have some on hand to control it. They work great. They are sent out right away and that too is wonderful. I always come back here to buy them, no tax and free shipping. What a Deal.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    They do the trick!!

    By Valerie on 07/22/2011

    Verified Purchase

    A bag of bird seed that we had in our garage was infested with these pesty moths, and they had gotten inside the house. These traps have been great! Set them up and that's all one has to do. The adhesive is VERY sticky, so take care in removing the paper. Best of all they're odor free, but attracts the flying critters to a scent they can't ignore. Just remember to check on the traps and change them out.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Really works!!

    By Doug on 07/30/2011

    Verified Purchase

    After putting them in my closet, nothing happened for a few days. I thought they were not going to work. Then I checked back in a week or so and what a shock! There were about 20 dead moths. Wow. I put them in several more closets and then read to only put about three per floor so it doesn't confuse the moths. Nothing worse than a confused moth. It might eat anything! Really works. Now to find what the larvae have been eating.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very effective

    By Myri on 08/23/2011

    I got these for my dad. He was extensively cleaning his cabinets and throwing stuff out, but when the larva are born you can't see them. They even got under the cap of an oatmeal container, in teeny rips in packages that looked intact, and under the threads of jars that weren't screwed extremely tightly, and it was endless. He LOVES these traps. When I saw ONE moth in my kitchen I went and got these. The first one caught a dozen, the second fewer that, and 2 yrs later I see maybe one per trap, if that. One trap lasts 3 months, so it's not that much $$. For me it's worth it to have peace of mind that even if I get a moth, it WILL NOT turn into an infestation.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    moth traps

    By Teddy on 09/03/2011

    Verified Purchase

    the moth traps are great! I have oriental rugs at home & at our antique shop. We noticed a few moths flying around and the traps did the job! I was amazed how many moths were trapped. The moths can ruin oriental carpets. We first found out about them through our pest control agent - he gave us the first ones and then we went on line to order from you and will continue to use your product from now on.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Note from a satisfied customer!

    By Alice on 09/08/2011

    This company is a great secret to know about; very service oriented and helpful (plus they pay shipping). We have now used their services/products twice this year (two different bugs), and each time their products did the job. Will definitely use this company again!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Pheronet Pantry Pest trap

    By Kay on 09/11/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Love them they work really good..they really attract the flying pheronets good

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The best product we have ever used. Thank Home Depot

    By Betty on 09/20/2011

    Verified Purchase

    The greatest!!! 5 stars - Home Depot gave us the link to your product. It is the best!!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    ProPest Pheronet Pantry Pest Trap - Yes!

    By Stephen on 10/17/2011

    Verified Purchase

    The pantry moths are flocking to the trap. Thanks.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    These things work!

    By Marvin on 11/01/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Having used these pest traps before, we know they work. And we know they've eliminated the problem, because the new ones aren't picking up any little critters. We're keeping them out just in case a new colony shows up.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Painless Solution For Pesky Problem

    By Martha on 11/15/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Anyone who has a feeding station has to solve a problem with grain moths eventually. This must be my third go-round, and the easiest and fastest elimination. The first day I put these traps out there were no moths caught. The second day the traps were filled. I plan to keep traps out until the moths complete another life cycle, but that's a breeze. I also want to commend this company for their excellent customer service.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Convenient and safe for use around birds

    By Parrot on 11/17/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I adopted a couple of parrots who were on a seed diet. We converted them to pellets, but not before the moths from their seeds set up shop. I can't spray and these haven't eliminated them, but they do seem to work. I would recommend them.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    ProPest Pheronet Pantry Pest Trap

    By Peggy on 12/30/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I had cleaned and thrown away all the open starchy "stuff" out of my cabinets when I ordered these traps and put new "stuff" into airtight plastic canisters. Received the traps in the mail and immediately put one in the pantry and one on the kitchen counter. The next morning the traps were already working with both catching the moths. It has been 2 weeks now and we still see one occassionly flying around but the traps are still working. I look forward to the cycle being broken and being free of these pest.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Pantry Pest Traps

    By Carolyn on 01/10/2012

    Verified Purchase

    About a year ago I bought your pantry pest traps and they worked really well. When it was time to change them I decided to go with a brand sold by our local Farmer's Co-Op. They did not work near as well as your pantry pest traps and I was almost overrun with meal bugs before I realized the traps weren't working. Now I am using your traps again. Thank you for your product. The only negative thing I can find is the traps do not stayed stuck together at the top but I can live with that.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Good job

    By John on 01/22/2012

    The Pherone t Pantry Pest Trap has cut down on our pests significantly. Two weeks later, we are still finding a random moth, but much fewer than before our purchase. I am sure it will take time.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    propest pheronet pantry pest trap

    By Lori on 02/26/2012

    Verified Purchase

    They worked great -- trapped many flies - I am still trying to figure out the source.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    ProPest Pantry Pest Trap

    By R on 03/04/2012

    Received rapidly. Work as advertised and kiil off those pesky critters. I deployed 3 traps and all are working well. We've got to the point where we're not seeing any more of the flying grain moths.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Pantry Moth Problem

    By E on 03/06/2012

    Went looking for something to get our infestation of pantry moths under control. Found ProPest and their price was right. I am now on my second order of pantry pest traps since the first order worked so well. Also am using the Nuvan prostrips to supplement the traps.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Pantry Moth Pest Trap

    By James on 03/20/2012

    This product worked really well. Well pleased with the result!!

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Displaying 61 to 90 (of 288 reviews)