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Jeff from Celina, Ohio writes

Spray Application - What time of year

I was told that I could spray Barricade 65 WDG in the fall from the folks I purchased it from. But as I read the label it sounds like I would get the best bang for my buck would be around the Fed - March time frame. What do you recommend?


Different weeds will germinate at different times of the year. To control winter weeds it is recommended to treat prior to germination in the fall and then to treat again in the spring for the summer weeds. It all depends on the target weeds and your region. We would recommend you contact your local Cooperative Extension Office for more specific recommended application timing in your area for your weeds.

Answer last updated on: 10/11/2014

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Barricade 65 WDG Herbicide

Barricade 65 WDG Herbicide

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