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Laurence from Tucson, Az writes

What is a good pre-emergent to use in Tucson, AZ on a rock area?

Please advise as to how to apply. Can I apply with a hose end sprayer? Will it harm cactus, mesquite trees and other desert landscaping?


Surflan is often used for this type of weed control with great results depending on the type of weeds you are trying to prevent. You will need about 3 fl oz of Surflan per 1,000 sq ft area. Be sure you review the product label to make sure your desirable plants are listed as being tolerant to the product.  Surflan products are known to be pretty thick and will likely clog a hose end sprayer so it is best to apply with a pump or backpack sprayer. The other problem with using the hose end sprayer for the Surflan application is that they are not very accurate and you can wind up dispensing more/less product than needed in a given area which can lead to less than desirable results.  With pre-emergents it is important to apply the right amount of product over an area and water in so that it gets down to the soil to create the barrier.

Answer last updated on: 09/19/2016

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