Product Q&A

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Wade from Mississippi writes

What is the length of time between spray and harvest on mustard greens?


Hi Yield 55% Malathion is no longer labeled for use on mustard greens. This product is now only labeled for use on the following vegetables: Tomatoes, Cabbage, and Potatoes. We do have several products that are labeled for use on mustard greens such as Spinosad Landscape and Garden RTS (cannot be ued on mustard greens in GA), Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew (cannot be ued on mustard greens in GA) and Sevin Dust 5%. Each of the links in this answer will take you to the individual product page. Once you are on the product page you can click on the link labeled Product Label and make sure the pest you are trying to eliminate is listed. Each product label will also let you know what the Pre Harvest Interval time is for mustard greens.

Answer last updated on: 12/31/2011

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