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Valerie from Great Mills, Md writes

What temperature is best to apply Acclaim Extra Selective Herbicide?

The label fails to adequately address temp conditions, but I did read 2 replies that state 55 low and 85 high. However, Maryland weather is extreme in varience, especially during March. For example, we've had anywhere from 78 degrees to 20's over the last month. Thus, weeds are in full growth, but night temps dip as low as 30 for the last 2 weeks. Snow this week in forecast. I have a beautiful green lawn (new from seeding in fall with regenerate) and also full of crazy weeds! So, when do I apply if overnight temps dip below 55?


Generally you would apply a post emergent herbicide like Acclaim Extra Selective Herbicide when the weeds are actively growing and healthy, meaning not drought or heat stressed. It would be best to call your local county extension office for when to apply any type of herbicides or insecticides in your area.  They would know better than we would since we are not the manufacturer and we live in Georgia.  They will know exactly when you should apply it in your specific county. You can find your local county extension office information here.

Answer last updated on: 03/13/2017

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