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John from Nj Frenchtown writes

When can I spray with Entonem - Live Nematodes to prevent Japanese Beetles?

When to spray nematodes to best kill Japanese Beetle larvae. I live in the north east US, NJ


Entonem - LIve Nematodes is not labeled to kill white grubs. If you're interested in live nematodes, Orcon Beneficial Nematodes would be the ones to use. With these Beneficial Nematodes you can apply at any time because they will attack wintering adult insects, diapausing larvae, pupae, and grubs when in the soil, bark, or even ground litter. You also have the option of using Merit Granules to treat before the white grub eggs hatch, for this method of treatment it is best to check with your local cooperative extension office to check for best time of application.

Answer last updated on: 02/16/2016

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