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Nils from Morganton Nc writes

Where can we buy Dursban or Thiodan for peach tree borers?

We understand that these are not available for home use and also that Thiodan is sold under another name. What do you have that works as well. We want to spray our trees at the end of August or first of September as this is the time to do this.


As long as the peach trees are not already infested with peach tree borers you can use a product that contains permethrin such as Tengard SFR. Unfortunately once the beetles have already infested the bark of a peach tree there are not any viable treatment options. In cases of infestation the general recommendation is to simply protect the surrounding trees with preventative sprays with permethrin products. We do not have any access to Dursban or Thiodan.

Answer last updated on: 08/31/2011

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